While his current lyrical rival Lil Wayne, in the song “Right Above It”, says “Skinny pants and some Vans” is the way he wants to live his life (aye, aye, ayeeee).
In 2008, on the song “Swagger Like Us”, Jay-Z famously quipped that he couldn’t “wear skinny jeans ‘cuz my knots don’t fit”. Whichever side you stand on this issue one thing is clear, skinny pants are here and don’t seem to be going away any time soon. Then there are those who feel that wearing skinny pants is not only unmanly, but possibly a sign of homosexuality. The research emphasizes that escape from the country is the only possible option for living an authentic life. This latest fashion trend might be one of the most polarizing ever! There are those that say that grown men should not be wearing super-baggy pants saggin’ below their man cakes. Urban gay men have been the subjects of most research done on LGBTQ men and women.